>About a Thousand People Attended the Grand Opening Exhibit on the Jews of Iran


The festive opening of Light and Shadows: The Story of Iran and the Jews exhibit, which was held last Thursday December 29th, 2010 at the Beit Hatfutsot Musuem in Tel Aviv, was a spectacular event. 
The exhibit was was sponsored by the Y & S Family Foundation and made possible by generous gifts from The David Berg Foundation, the Diamond Charity Foundation, the Global Mashadi Jewish Federation, the Iranian American Jewish Federation of New York, the Maccabbi Foundation and individual philanthropist, members of the Iranian Jewish community, as well as other Jewish communities.

About a thousand people attended the opening including Israeli cabinet ministers, former IDF Chiefs of Staff and Air Force commanders, business people, university presidents, authors, and representatives from the media.  Many of the attendees came from abroad: over 150 people travelled from the USA especially for this opening, and many young people were in the audience as well.

The enigma of the survival and thriving of the Jewish People unfolded as people viewed artifacts from 700 BCE.  Some of the artifacts were never displayed publicly and the existence of others was discovered during the preparation for this exhibit.
To view photos from the event, please click here.