B’Nai Mitzvah Chesed Program Raffle Drawing Results

The B’Nai Mitzvah Chesed Program is pleased to announce their raffle drawing results! Members of the Sisterhood drew the winning raffle tickets at the end of the Sisterhood’s amazing Purim Party on Sunday.

Congratulations to the following winners and thank you
to everyone for supporting the children in their
tireless efforts at raising money for charity!
– Lily Rahmanim won the Shop Delight gift card
– Roya Hakimian won the dinner at Shiraz
– Michael Liuim won the 42″ TV
– Esther Rahimi won the iPad
We would also like to take a moment and thank both of the Kanissa Boards as well as the Sisterhood who have given us their unconditional approval and support! Submitted by Sherri Bichoupan.

and the winners are 2