Rabbi Maroof- Sefer Mishlei (Women’s Class) 7-2-14
Category Archives: Torah Study-Audio Files
Summer Bet Midrash Shiurim; Week 2- Tuesday 7/1/14
Summer Bet Midrash Shiurim; Week 2- Monday 6/30/14
Summer Bet Midrash Shiurim; Week 1- Wednesday 6/25/14
Summer Bet Midrash Shiurim; Week 1- Tuesday 6/24/14
Summer Bet Midrash: GRAND OPENING- Monday 6/23/14
Morenu Rabenu Nissim Bassalian 3-19-14 Understanding Moshe, Yetziat Mitzrayim, and Miracles
Rabbanit Coty Bitton- Megillat Esther
Rabbi Bitton – Megilat Ester 2014
Rabbi Bitton – Megilat Ester & Backdrop– Learn it Up Week 1 (Feb 27, 2014)
Rabbanit Coty Bitton- Parsha Lectures (Audio)
Shiurs from Dec 25th Learning Day @ MYC Office
Yaakov Bitton- Sephardic Tradition on things other than food (part 1)
Yaakov Bitton- Sephardic Tradition on things other than food (part 2) (Given 1 week later on January 1st)
Rabbi Nir Shalom- Parshat Vaera
Rabbi Adam Sabzevari- Tehillim in our Prayers
Rabbi Mosheh Aziz- The Tenth Commandment: Do Not Covet
Rabbi Bitton’s Lecture to be uploaded soon b”H!
Rabbi Moshe Tessone Lecture- Lessons from Rachel Imenu, Parshat Vayishlah
Rav Ben Haim- Hilkhot Shabbat
Rabbi Bitton- The Silence of Prayer Lecture Series
Morenu Rabbenu Nassim Bassalian- Mashadi History Lecture Series
Rav Ben Haim- Megillat Kohelet
Yaakov Bitton- When should we bring our children to kanissa?
Given on the night of Hoshana Rabbah 5774.
Yaakov Bitton- When should we send children to kanissa? Audio
Source sheet- Gemara Hagiga
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach pre-Yom Kippur Lecture
MYC Selihot Saturday Night Lecture Series 2013- Lecture #5
Rabbi Bitton – Is Forgiveness Overrated?
MYC Selihot Saturday Night Lecture Series 2013- Lecture #4
Hakham Faur- Rosh Hashana, Yom Kipur & Responsibility
MYC Selihot Saturday Night Lecture Series 2013- Lecture #3
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