Category Archives: Community News Headlines

UMJCA Announcements

Hametz Burning at Kings Point Park – Mon Apr 14

Great Neck Synagogue and Young Israel have organized a community-wide Hametz Burning with the approval of Great Neck Parks District. All community members are invited to burn their Hametz there in a safe manner. The Hametz Burning will take place in Kings Point Park entrance from Steamboat Rd., Monday morning April 14th from 8:00am to 11:00 am (morning before Pesach). For more information, contactRabbi Mosheh Aziz

chametz burning

Fourth Annual Chametz for Charity Ohr Esther

Synagogue will be collecting unused, unopened, non-perishable food for Island Harvest, a local food pantry serving thousands of poor families on Long Island. The collection will begin on April 6th through April 13. The drop off point will be Ohr Esther (130 Steamboat Road). For more information, contact Kami Kalaty or Afshin Bassali


Sisterhood Clothing Drive – This Sun, Mar 30

The Sisterhood will be collecting gently used CLOTHING and SHOES ONLY for charity. Please drop off items in secure plastic bags. Trucks will be at Shaare Shalom from 10am to 2pm on Sunday, March 30th. For your convenience, you may callChabad to pick up your donations from your home. Please call (718) 342-4444 to schedule a pick-up time. (Submitted by Nataly Hakimian)

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Passover Rice Information 2014

As per phone conversations with rice importers and receipt of confirmation letters from them, Rabbi Eliyahu Ben Haim has confirmed that the following brands of rice are 100% pure, are not enriched, and have no additives or preservatives. Therefore, they are suitable for use on Passover.  The brands are as follows:  Lalquila, Shahzadeh, Pari, Royal, Zebra, Deer, Empire, and Gold & Quilla. 

Even though these rices are pure, Jewish Law requires them to be cleaned at least 3 times and washed thoroughly before use for Passover.  Please avoid any enriched rice.

Chag Kasher Ve Sameach.rice

Shiraz Restaurant & Catering Present: Shabbat Dinner & Lunch before Pesach (Apr 11th& 12th)

For the 3rd consecutive year, Shiraz will be providing Dinner & Lunch for the Shabbat before Pesach at Shaare Shalom, 54 Steamboat Road. It will be a full course dinner & lunch including appetizers, main course and desserts. Every member of the community is welcome. Prices are as follows: Adults: (12 yrs old & up) $90.00 for both events, $50.00 for one event – Kids: (5 yrs to 12 Yrs) $60.00 for both events, $30.00 for one events –Children: (under 5 yrs) Free. Seats are limited. All the reservations must be made and paid by April 7th. Please call Shiraz at 516-487-6666 or email to Submitted by Beni Carmili.


Yom Ha’atzmaut 2014 – Israel Independence Day – Mon, May 5

The Great Neck Community & Israel Bonds celebrate Israel Independence Day. Featuring a performance by the Parparim Ensemble. Kaleidoscope – A Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebration in Dance and Song. COUVERT: $40 per person in advance, $50 per person at the door. Temple Israel, 108 Old Mill Rd, Great Neck, NY.  For more information please contact: Soheila Kalatizadeh – cell: (516)567-8040, Diana Edalati – Home: (516)498-1816, Soheila Cohanpour – cell: (516)850-8660.

Click Here to view the Official Flyer


Drug & Alcohol Prevention Workshop – Tuesday, March 25th

Save the Date! On Tuesday, March 25th there will be a Drug & Alcohol Prevention Workshop sponsored by the Nassau County District Attorney’s Office. Meat dinner will be generously sponsored by Shop Delight. The workshop will take place at Ohr Esther/Young Mashadi Jewish Center at 7:30 PM. All students in 7th-11th grades are encouraged to attend along with their parents. All students are eligible for the iPad raffle prize drawing that evening. The iPad is sponsored by Stephanie & Tony Aziz, Talia Etessami & Andy Levian, Marco Hadjibay, Chantal & Daniel Nassimi, and Amanda & David Zar. For further information please call or email 708-9999 or

Click Here for more Info and Flyer

D&A Workshop