The Supervisory Council of the UMJCA is pleased to announce the revised date of the community elections, which will be held from 9 AM to 4 PM on Sunday, February 23, 2014 at the Shaare Shalom Synagogue. The final date for confirming your candidacy as a member of the Central Board of the UMJCA, or of any of the Synagogue Boards of Shaare Shalom, Ohr Esther or Shaare Tova, will be Sunday February 9th, at 10 PM. All interested candidates. Please email or contact any member of the Supervisory Council. The Shaare Rachamim Synagogue Board will be a temporary appointed board, selected by the Central Board, during the first transitional term. You will have an opportunity to meet all of the candidates for the various boards on Monday February 16, at 8 PM at Shaare Shalom. During the approximately 90 days postponement of the elections, the Supervisory Council has held several meetings, including meetings with the bylaws committee and the Central Board to review the election laws. During the election, we will be conducting a town hall meeting and survey to gather the community’s opinions on various ideas to further strengthen our election system.
Category Archives: Community News Headlines
The unity and organization of the Mashadi Jewish Community of America is legendary within the Jewish communities anywhere. Hundreds of Mashadis serve on the various elected boards and appointed committees of the Central Board, Synagogue Boards, Sisterhood and Youth Committee on a voluntary basis. It is incumbent on all of us to continue this tradition of serving our community and building on this unity for our future. Today, the UMJCA owns four Synagogues, two cemetery plots, and the largest share of the old age home in Hertzlia, Israel. During the last term, the Central Board of the UMJCA successfully paid down over $4 million in outstanding debt and purchased the Shaare Rachamim building from the bank free and clear, by raising $15 million during its term. All community members are invited to join us as we recognize and honor the various community servants, at Shaare Shalom Synagogue’s main sanctuary, on Shabbat February 8, 2014 after services to show your support for those who sacrifice themselves by investing their time in serving our community on a voluntary basis.
Please join us at Shaare Shalom Social Hall as various local and community doctors led by Dr. Danny Banilevy will be conducting another successful health fair for us on Sunday Feb 23rd, 2014, to coincide with the community elections. Flu Shots and various tests will be conducted as a complimentary service to the attendees.
Welcome to Ohr Esther Jewish Center
This Shabbat, we will be honoring Mr. & Mrs. Amir Hadjibay and Family for their generous donation to the Mashadi Community. To commemorate this donation, the Young Mashadi Jewish Center has been renamed Ohr Esther. Please join us this Shabbat as we show gratitude to the Hadjibay Family.This Shabbat’s Kiddush will take place in the downstairs Social Hall and is sponsored by Ashraf and Amir Hadjibay and Families.
Central Board Announcement
The Central Board is pleased to announce that the Young Mashadi Jewish Center has been named “Ohr Esther”. The name “Ohr Esther” will soon be displayed on a plaque on an inside wall, as well as on a sign outside the building and will be used in all correspondence, speeches and other forms of communications related to this center. The renaming of the YMJC to “Ohr Esther” was offered to Mr. Amir Hadjibay’s Family in appreciation for their very generous donation.
The UMJCA Central Board
Winter Coats, Old Iphones, Israel and More
Winter coats are urgently needed for children and adults in Israel. Your old iPhone can bring hundreds of dollars to needy Mashadi families in Israel. We are also looking for someone travelling to Israel to take a carry on duffle bag containing charity clothes for Mashadi families. If you can help with any of these request please contact Janet Hakimian at (516) 782-3806
NSHA Comedy Night
North Shore Hebrew Academy PTA will be having a Fundraising Event at the Residence of Caroline and Igal Namdar. The event which takes place on Saturday Night, Feb 8 at 8:00 pm will be featuring the well-known Jewish comedian MODI. Please contact Natascha Shaer, for ticket information.
Oneg Shabbat is back!
Dr. Gidon Akler on Radio – Tue, Jan 28 at 5:00 pm
Learn More about Sephardic Mizrachi Genetic Diseases on a radio show featuring Dr. Gidon Akler. Our very own Dr. Gidon Akler will be a guest on the radio show, “Chessed Hour”, on 97.5FM. Tune in on Tuesday, January 28th at 5pm to hear Dr. Akler discuss Sephardic Mizrachi genetic diseases and advances in testing and research. Many Frequently Asked Questions regarding genetics and these diseases will be answered. You may also listen to the radio show on Tuesday 1/28 at 5pm at this link
Indoor Playground @ 130 is back This Sunday, January 26 from 2-5pm!
Affordable Care Act – Obamacare Lecture at Shaare Shalom, Thu, Jan 30
Dear community members, you are invited to attend a lecture given by representatives of the FEGS organization (member of the UJA-FEDERATION) regarding the Affordable Care Act, better known as the new Healthcare Law or Obamacare. Please note the new date : Thursday January 30th, at 7 pm , Shaare Shalom Synagogue. For more information you can contact Anna Carmili.
Israel’s New 24-hour English News Television Station – Please spread the word. Israel has a new 24 hour internet news channel broadcasting in English(also French and Arabic) from Tel Aviv. This is the link: It is a 24 hour news feed (from the Israeli perspective) and is intended to rival CNN, Al-Jazeera, BBC, etc. and it covers world news but also has a specific Israel news section. So many people don’t know about it, but let’s not keep it a secret! Many hits from across the Arab world, they are also watching. Endorsed by Israel and Zionism Committee of the UMJCA. Submitted by Mehran Bassali.
SHALOM WEEK 18–Jan 25th 2014
Parashat Yitro!
Benei Israel arrive at Mt. Sinai where G-d offers them the Torah. After they accept, G-d charges Moshe to instruct the people not to approach the mountain, and to prepare for three days. On the third day, amidst thunder and lightning, G-d’s voice emanates from the smoky mountain and He speaks to the Jewish People, giving them the Ten Commandments:
2. Don’t worship other “gods”
3. Don’t use G-d’s name in vain
5. Honor your parents
6. Don’t murder
7. Don’t commit adultery
8. Don’t steal (kidnap)
9. Don’t testify falsely
This is a very demanding proposal. It means that among every thousand Israelites, there are 131 leaders (one head of a thousand, ten heads of a hundred, twenty heads of fifty and a hundred head of tens). One in every eight adult male Israelites was expected to undertake some form of leadership role. And we see later on that Hashem approves Yitro’s proposal.
‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’
MTC Ice Skating at Bryant Park This Sat, Jan 18
MTC will be heading to New York city for a night of skating at Bryant Park. This Sat Night, Jan 18th. Food will be served at 6:15 p.m. at 130 Steamboat., Bus will leave promptly 6:45 pm. $25 includes dinner, bus transportation and skating. Will return around 11:00 pm. For more information, contact Erica Kamali (516-965-8720), Adam Livi (516-423-3787) or David Hajibay (516-507-9232).
A Special Message From Israel and Zionism Committee of UMJCA
Let us remember and mourn one of the greatest heroes of the State of Israel : Ariel Sharon z.l. The Israel and Zionism Committee of UMJCA received a message from the Israeli Consul in New York and is honored to share it with all our Congregation. Submitted by Uri BenYehuda. Click Here To Read The Message
Join us on Sunday, Jan 19th at 3 pm for NFL Day @ 130!
Watch the games with family & friends! (parental supervision required) • Free admission • Pizza $2 per slice. For further information please email or call Avital or 516-708-9999. Click Here to view the Flyer
A Message from the Yeshiva Scholarship Committee of the UMJCA
Dear Day School & Yeshiva Leaders, Parents, and Supporters: Governor Cuomo and lawmakers are very close to approving legislation that would generate additional scholarships to help families pay tuition. The Education Investment Tax Credit proposal would give a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for individual and corporate donors to independent and religious school scholarship organizations. WITHOUT YOUR HELP, THIS LEGISLATION MAY NOT BE ENACTED!! Read More. Submitted by George Dilamani.
Gan Israel Chinese Auction
Motsei Shabbat, February 1st, 8:30 pm – Colbeh of Great Neck – $25 admission includes $15 ticket – Full Colbeh Dinner will be served. To view the catalog please click Here. To order discounted ticket packages, please call 516-817-9993. Submitted by Naghmeh Livian.
You still have time to register for Programs @ 130 classes!
Please email or call Avital in the YMJC office for further information: or 516-708-9999.
Click Here to View the YMJC Spring Guide 2014
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