Higher Education
Graduation 2022


(Including Master’s, PhD, Law School, Medical School,
and any other degree beyond an undergraduate degree)

We are pleased to make it possible for High School, College and Post Graduates to submit your graduation information using the following web forms.

Reminder: Graduation will be on Sunday, June, 2022 at Shaare Shalom Synagogue (54 Steamboat Rd)

Approx 2 hours in total. All are welcome to attend.

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Date of Birth: *
 /  / 
Your Father's First Name: *
Your Mother's First Name: *
Your Phone Number: *
Your E-Mail Address: *
Post Graduate degree received: *
Post Graduate degree received from: *
Undergraduate Degree received from: *
Degree and Major
(Please specify if this is a 'Bachelor of Arts' or 'Bachelor of Science', etc):
Minor (if any):
Any programs, internships, activities, honors received that you want to mention?:
What are your plans for the future (any jobs lined up, Higher Ed, etc):
Do you want to be considered to sing the national anthem or hatikva?:
Do you want to be considered to play a musical instrument?:
If yes, please indicate what instrument:
Do you want to be considered for possibly making a speech?:

If yes, you must submit a draft speech before being considered

Will you be able to attend the Graduation Ceremony this year:
Would you like to help the Higher Education Committee in its programs as a volunteer?:
Any other information you want to give that was not covered above?:


If you know anyone who is graduating this year but may not hear about the graduation, please give us their name and phone number below:

Friend's Name:
Friend's Phone Number: