The Mashadi Youth Committee has organized a blood drive to be held at Shaare Shalom Synagogue (54 Steamboat Road), on Sunday, April 14th, from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Blood cannot be manufactured – it can only come from generous donors – which is why we encourage all eligible donors to come and participate. The general requirement to be a blood donor are as follows: 1) Must be age 17 or up. 16 year-olds can donate with permission of parent or guardian who must sign you in. 2) Must weigh at least 110 pounds. 3) Must have valid identification such as a driver’s license, passport, or other valid picture id, and your social security number. Drinks, snacks, and light food will be available for all donors. For more information, please feel free to contact Shawn Aziz at 516-423-6231 /, Maxine Karmily at 516-782-1551, or Charlotte Shahverdi at 516-424-2252 /
MYC Blood Drive 2013-1-pdf flyer