Sunday Morning Parasha Class with Rabbi Adam

Our Sunday Morning Parasha Class is on for this week (Nov. 3). We will be studying Parashat Vayetze!

A special thanks to this week’s sponsor for breakfast, Mr. Rodney Zabihi, for the iluy neshama of Efraim ben Shemuel.

Breakfast will be served at 9:45 am, the class is 10 am – 11 am, at 54 Steamboat Road.

This class is also for the refuah shelema of Avraham ben Chava, Ruchama Sarah Miryam bat Tamar, Mordekhai ben Rivka, Ruth bat Ahuva, & Rafael ben Michal . This class is also for the iluy neshama of Nissan ben Yonah.

Parashat Chayei Sarah!

Dear Friends;

I hope that you’ll enjoy the following Parasha summary followed by a Dvar Torah;
” The Parshah in a Nutshell ”

Sarah dies at age 127 and is buried in the Machpeilah Cave in
Hebron, which Avraham purchases from Ephron the Hittite for 400 shekels of

Avraham’s servant, Eliezer, is sent with gifts to Charan,
Avraham’s hometown, to find a wife for Isaac. At the village well, Eliezer asks
G-d for a sign: when the maidens come to the well, he will ask for some water to
drink; the woman who will offer to give his camels to drink as well, shall be
the one destined for his master’s son.

Rebecca, the daughter of Avraham’s
nephew, appears at the well and passes the “test”. Rebecca returns with Eliezer
to the land of Canaan, where they encounter Isaac. Isaac marries Rebecca, loves
her, and is comforted over the loss of his mother.

Avraham takes a new wife, Keturah (Hagar) and fathers six additional sons, but Isaac is designated as his only heir. Avraham dies at age 175 and is buried beside Sarah by his two
eldest sons, Isaac and Ishmael.
” Dvar Torah ”
Parashat Chayei Sarah recounts the death of Sarah, the purchase of a cemetery plot for her, and the marriage of her son, Isaac. The parsha starts off by saying that Sarah’s
lifetime was 127 years, and Sarah “dies” in Hebron in the land of Canaan……
Yet, the parsha is called “Chayei Sarah”, the Life of Sarah. Usually the name of
the parsha is related to the topic discussed in the Parsha. For example,
Parashat Bereshit talks about the beginning and the creation; Parashat Noach is
about Noach; Parashat Yitro talks about Yitro; Parashat Balak is about a king
called Balak, and so on. So why is the parsha called “the life of Sarah”, where
in fact, the Parsha is about the death of Sarah?! What’s the connection between
Sarah’s death and Sarah’s life?!

Rabbi Wizman from Orthodox Union has an
interesting explanation to this dilemma. He says that a person’s life can be
viewed through his or her achievements. And Sarah’s greatest achievement in life
was to bear Isaac. Sarah, raised a son who would continue going in the path of
G-d, and would willfully sacrifice his life for the sake of G-d. Sarah did not
just raise a child, she raised a future Patriarch for the Jewish nation. The
story of Isaac’s life is, in essence, the story of Sarah’s life. And that’s why
Parashat Chayei Sarah talks about Sarah’s death rather than her life, because
Sarah’s death reflects the accomplishments of her life! Now we can understand
why the main topic of discussion in the parsha is about Isaac, and not about
Sarah. Because Sarah’s legacy lives through Isaac.

Some Chachamim go as far as to say that Sarah even achieved a greater level of prophecy than Avraham did. Sarah’s determination to raise a future Patriarch of the Jewish nation
explains her concern over Ishmael’s influence. She knew that Ishmael’s behavior
could corrupt Isaac and pull him from the path of G-d. But Avraham,
unfortunately, did not see that. That’s why when Sarah asked Avraham to send
away Ishmael and his mother, Avraham got upset. But Hashem told him that Sarah
is right and he should listen to her. In raising Isaac to be a G-d fearing
person, Sarah played a more important role than Avraham did. Sarah merits to
have a Parsha named after her, because she raised her only son, in the best
possible way she could!

Yes my friends, our greatest achievements in life are our children! We all live a short period of time in this world and then we kiss this world goodbye. Our legacy, however, lives through our children. How we raise them and present them to the society is the reflection of our own beliefs and behaviors. And in raising the children, mothers play a much more
important role than the fathers.

But you may ask yourself, why did Hashem give such an important task to women rather than to men?! Well, the answer is quite simple. Not to our surprise, the Chachamim say that women have more patience and understanding. They are better decision makers in difficult situations. Believe it or not, they are more spiritual than men. They are more
caring and although not proven scientifically, but the Torah thinks that they
are more intelligent too! If the Torah showed so much appreciation for Sarah’s
uprising of Isaac by naming a Parsha after her, then how much more we should
have respect for our wives for raising our children! Raising children is one of
the most difficult tasks that anyone can do, and Hashem has put women in charge
of them. We raise our hats to them all!

So, the leason of this week’s Parsha is that the greatest accomplishment in our lives are our children, and the greatest gift given to us by G-d, is our wife. May G-d bless them all!

Shabbat Shalom & Regards;


Learn it Up is Back

Learn it Up is a Mashadi social Jewish Learning program with MEAT DINNER. This Wed, Oct 30th. Dinner starts at 8:00 pm, Learning Starts at 8:30 pm. We have a variety of very interesting classes and the option of sitting at a chavruta table with a friend and learn Torah one-on-one. This Week’s Learnit Up is Sponsored by Kohanian Cousins for The Complete Refuah Shlema Of  Avraham Ben Chava. For more information please contact Jonny Rahimi ( and Elliot Dilamani (



Support the UMJCA when you shop at Americana Manhasset!

Americana Manhasset invites you to participate in Champions for Charity® on Sunday, November 24th (in time for Chanukkah) and Thursday, December 5th and Friday, December 6th. Americana Manhasset will donate 25% to the UMJCA when you shop at their stores onNovember 24th, December 5th and December 6th. To register before you shop, please go to: or visit the concierge desk at Americana Manhasset.



IAJF 12th Annual Gala

Thursday, Nov 7 2013.  Join us for an unforgettable evening of solidarity honoring Israel.  Iranian American Jewish Federation mission statement is primarily to raise funds to assist varieties of charitable organization in Israel. Primary causes are hospitals, soldiers welfare, educational institution and other charity causes. Under provisions of an agreement with the Central Board 80 percent of the funds pledged by the members of the Mashadi Community will be provided to Mashadi Vaad Markazi in Israel for the benefit of the college scholarships and food for the needy during the holidays. The remaining 20 percent will be used for the benefit of the various Israeli charities. For more info you can contact either Parviz Roubeni or Liza Nikfarjam at IAJF office. (Submitted by Houshang Nematzadeh)



Rahmattollah Vahidipour Memorial Fund

Mr.Vahidipour was tragically killed about a year ago in Brooklyn. He is the father of Marjan (Vahidipour) Malekan who is well known to our community from her position as the pharmacist in CVS. Mrs.Malekan has started a memorial fund, in the name of her late father, for poorer widows and children. All donations made by community members will be used for Mashadi causes. You will be receiving a letter in the mail with more information and how to donate or you can go to (Submitted by Ephraim Aminoff on behalf of the Central Board)



Sunday Morning Parasha Class with Rabbi Adam – Special Breakfast

Our Sunday Morning Parasha Class is on for this week (Oct. 27). We will be studying Parashat Toledot!

A special thanks to this week’s sponsor for breakfast, Mr. & Mrs. Kamyar Zar & Family, in honor of the late Mr. Haroun Kohanim, Aharon ben Mashiach.

We will be having a special breakfast this week! Breakfast will be served at 9:45 am, the class is 10 am – 11 am, at 54 Steamboat Road.

This class is also for the refuah shelema of Avraham ben Chava, Ruchama Sarah Miryam bat Tamar, Mordekhai ben Rivka, Ruth bat Ahuva, & Rafael ben Michal . This class is also for the iluy neshama of Nissan ben Yonah & Efraim ben Shemuel.

Parashat Vayera!

Dear Friends;

I hope you’ll enjoy the following Parasha summary followed by a Dvar Torah;

” Parsha in a Nutshell ”

G-d reveals Himself to Avraham three days after his
circumcision at age 99; but Avraham rushes off to prepare a meal for three
guests who appear in the desert heat. One of the three guests — who are angels
disguised as men — announces that, in exactly one year, the barren Sarah will
give birth to a son. Sarah laughs.

Avraham pleads with G-d to spare the wicked city of Sodom, but did not succeed. Two of the angels arrive in the doomed city to overturn the place, and to save Lot and his family. Lot’s wife turns into a pillar of salt when she disobeyed the command not to look back at
the burning city as they flee.

While taking shelter in a cave, Lot’s two daughters get their father drunk, lie with him, and become pregnant. The two sons born from this incident father the nations of Moab and Amon.

Avraham moves to Gerar, where the Philistine king Avimelech takes Sarah — who is, once
again, presented as Avraham’s sister — to his palace. In a dream, G-d warns
Avimelech that he will die unless he returns the woman to her husband.

G-d remembers His promise to Sarah and gives her and Avraham a son, who
is named Isaac (meaning “will laugh”). Isaac is circumcised at the age of eight
days; Abraham is 100 years old, and Sarah 90, at their son’s birth.

Hagar and Ishmael are banished from Avraham’s home and wander in the desert; G-d hears the cry of the dying lad and saves his life by showing his mother a well.

G-d tests Avraham’s devotion by commanding him to sacrifice Isaac on the
Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

The Parsha concludes with Avraham receiving
the news of the birth of a daughter, Rebecca, to his nephew Bethuel.

” Dvar Torah ”

In this week’s parsha, we read about the famous story of “Akeidat Yitzchak”, the binding
of Isaac. We all know the story by now: Hashem wanted to test Avraham’s faith.
So one day, G-d tells Avraham to take his only son, the one he loves, Isaac and
bring him to the top of a mountain and sacrifice him to G-d Almighty.
Immediately, without any hesitation, the next morning, he takes him up the
mountain, binds him down, lifts the knife up and was ready to slaughter his son.
At that point, an angel of G-d tells him to stop and not to harm his son, for
now Hashem knows that he truly believes in him.

Wow, what a story! Every time I read about Akeidat Yitzchak, I get the goosebumps. What a great person Avraham was. Who can kill his own son, specially the one and only son from his true love?! How can someone go against his own principles and logic? Avraham was
preaching others his entire life about how wrong it is to bring human sacrifice
for idols and gods, and now he had to do it himself! Not even once he questioned
G-d for this commandment! He only did it because he believed in G-d
wholeheartedly. The act of Akeidat Yitzchak was so great that we still benefit
from it to this very day. In our prayers on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, when we
ask Hashem for forgiveness, we ask Him to remember what Avraham did and we use
the Akeida as a defense mechanism for our sins. Because what our forefather
Avraham did, no one else would have had the strength to do it!

Yes, we all acknowledge the greatness of Avraham , but what about Isaac? All of our
sages praise Avraham for passing his final and his most difficult test, but we
hardly see them praising Isaac. According to our Chachamim, Isaac was 37 years
old at the time. He wasn’t a child anymore to not know what he was doing. He lay
down on the alter and allowed his father to bind him down and raise the knife to
kill him. He was a full grown man who went through the Akeida also accepting
G-d’s decision. So why doesn’t he get any of the credit for his act of bravery?!
Although killing your son can be more difficult than killing yourself, but
killing yourself when you are still young and you have your whole life ahead of
you is not a simple act either! So, where can we find some praises for Isaac

After searching for a while, I came across an explanation given by
Rabbi Frand quoting Chasam Sofer, another scholar. He says that Isaac also went
through a test and in a sense, his test was even greater than his father’s test.
Avraham heard it directly from G-d Himself, that he had to sacrifice Isaac. But
who told Isaac that he was to be a sacrifice? Isaac heard it from his father,
Avraham! Isaac must have considered it awfully strange that G-d, who values
life, wants a human sacrifice. Such ritual was against all the values and
believes that his father had thought him in the past, but he never questioned
his father. He had full trust and faith in him. Keep in mind that Avraham was
quite old at the time – 137 years old to be exact, and Isaac had all the rights
to question his father’s decision. ” Are you sure father that you heard G-d
telling you to sacrifice me? Maybe you are imagining it? Maybe you just had a
dream? Don’t you want to ask him one more time to make sure?” Isaac could have
asked all these questions from his father. But he didn’t question him once,
because the respect that he had for his father didn’t allow him to doubt his
decision! And this was the greatness of Isaac that stands out and makes him one
of our forefathers. Avraham obeyed G-d’s word; but Isaac obeyed his father’s!
Giving the same respect to your father as you give to G-d Almighty deserves all
the praises in the world!

Yes my friends, the Torah once again, demonstrates the importance of respecting parents. How often do we criticize our father when we don’t agree with what he says? How often do we disregard our parents advice because we think they are too old or too old fashioned?
Respecting parents is not only about standing up for them and kissing their
hands, but its also about listening to their advices and respecting their views
too! The Chachamim go as far as to say that if it’s day time and your parent
says its night, we are not allowed to disagree with them! If Isaac was ready to
give up his life for the sake of respecting his father’s decision, then why
can’t we just listen to what they say?!

As the parents get older, they tend to be more demanding and test our patience. Although this test is not as difficult as the Akeida, but still, is not an easy test. Could there be a point
that we are allowed to lose our patience with our parents? The answer is
obviously not! Whatever they do or whatever they say, we can never be
disrespectful towards them. On the contrary, when they get older, we have to be
more respectful to their demands. After all, they are the ones who brought us
into this world and they deserve the full respect until the day they say

Shabath Shalom & Regards;


Wheel Of Love

Wheels of Love

The Annual Bike Ride for the Children of ALYN Hospital Israel’s Largest Multi-day Multi-route International Charity Sport Event.

A Letter by David Ebrani

Dear friends

As you all may know, last year I took upon myself to take a 5 day, 300 miles charity bike tour in the southern Israel’s Negev desert to benefit a hospital specialized in working on physically challenged kids.My trip started in Arad and took me around the Negev toward the Egyptian border and the crater at Mitzve Ramon and the city of Beersheba.  It started with an especially hot sunny day. READ MORE

Iran, Assimilation, and the Threat to Israel and Jewish Survival: Will Jews Exist?

Join us in a discussion on Iran, Assimilation, and the threat to Israel and Jewish survival moderated by Rabbi Shmuley Boeach, and guests Sheldon Adelson, Bret Stephens and Richard M. Joel.  WHEN: October 22, 2013 at 8pm – 10pm – WHERE Yeshiva University Wilf Campus-Lamport Auditorium, 2540 Amsterdam Ave. For more info please contact Uri Ben Yehudah of IZC. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE OFFICIAL FLYER

Saturday Night Family Learning @ 54

YMJC Kannisa Points presents: Saturday Night Family Learning @ 54 Calling Fathers, Sons & Daughters of all ages. Come join us every Motzaei Shabbat @ Shaare Shalom from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Boys will learn with their fathers and girls will learn with each other. Snacks and cool Raffle prizes every week. For more info please contact Allen Hakimian, Fariborz Livian or William Dilamani.



Sunday Morning Parasha Class with Rabbi Adam

Our Sunday Morning Parasha Class is on for this week (Oct. 20). We will be studying Parashat Chayei Sara!

A special thanks to this week’s sponsor for breakfast, Mr. Jonathan Zabihi, dedicated to the refuah shelema of Dan ben Ester.

Breakfast will be served at 9:45 am, the class is 10 am – 11 am, at 54 Steamboat Road.

This class is also for the refuah shelema of Avraham ben Chava, Ruchama Sarah Miryam bat Tamar, Mordekhai ben Rivka, Ruth bat Ahuva, & Rafael ben Michal . This class is also for the iluy neshama of Nissan ben Yonah & Efraim ben Shemuel.