Purim Baskets (Mishloach Manot)

For many years Marilyn Kordvani organized the sale of Mishloach Manot gift baskets in our synagogues. In her memory, her daughter Cheri Haghighat will continue this tradition. As usual the baskets will be packed with only Israeli products (mostly Kosher for Pesach). They are of exceptional value and usually sell out very quickly.To ensure that you receive the number of baskets you need, please give your orders in advance by calling one of the following: Cheri Haghigat (212) 944-2700 – Minoo Hakimian (516) 487-3636, Mitra Hezghia (516) 482-0444. All proceeds go to Gym Minyan Youth Programs.

Purim Basket picture 1  

Purim Basket picture 2 

Purim Basket picture 3 

Purim Basket picture 4

purim basket 1