Shaare Rachamim/Mikveh Moshe Referendum – Sunday May 19, 2013

The UMJCA Supervisory Council will be holding a Referendum on the purchase of the property at 695 Middle Neck Road (Shaare Rachamim/Mikveh Moshe) on Sunday May 19, 2013 at the following locations and times: Shaare Shalom (54 Steamboat Rd) 9AM-4PM, YMJC (130 Steamboat Rd) 10:30AM – 4PM, ShaareTova 10AM – 12PM. All those over 18 years of age are invited to attend and cast their vote for this referendum. In addition there will be a “Ladies Bazar” during the referendum at Shaare Shalom. Please see separate announcement.

Absentee ballot – For those who will not be able to attend on Sunday to vote, absentee ballot forms will be available at Shaare Shalom and at YMJC. These must be filled and returned to the Shaare Shalom office or the Supervisory Council members by Sunday 4PM.

Absentee ballot email – In addition, there will be Absentee Ballot voting by email. Please see the separate email, or request the forms from

Please Come and Vote.
