11th Annual Mashadi Open Tennis Tournament

The summer tournament for community members –  Singles & Doubles

Singles: If we have enough people signing up, there will be two tournaments. Please indicate if you’d like to be in the over 35’s or under. You can choose regardless of your age! Ages 16 and up (please specify singles, or doubles, or both) Also: if we have enough sign ups we will also organize a Women’s Tournaments! Please let us know if you are interested.  Cost: FREE

Registration deadline:  Friday May 15th, 2015

All players are to schedule their games with time & location of their choice, within the allocated timeframe.  Please email mashaditennis@gmail.com to signup. For any questions, please contact one of the following: Alex Rahmani (alex@darreners.com), Simon Kashfi (Simonkashfi@me.com), Igal Nassim (igal.nassim@gmail.com),  David Karimzadeh (david@karimzadeh.com)