We are pleased to announce the 2014 – 2016 MYC election results in alphabetical order:
Aaron Aziz
Carolina Aziz
Debbie Aziz
Michelle Bassaly
Shirley Carmili
Gab Etessami
Melyna Hadjibay
Shelby Hakimian
Daniel Kamali
Jamie Karmely
Jacob Namdar
Josh Namdar
Melanie Namdar
Igal Nassim
Jonathan Zar
- Nathan Kashizadeh
- Gabriel Kalaty
- Lior Kashimallak
- Benjamin Azizi
- Daniel Hakimian
- Talia Bassali
- Sandy Moheban
There were a total of 462 ballots, of which 5 were invalid. 457 ballots were valid.
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