Category Archives: Community News Headlines
Mashadi Health Fair
The Mashadi Doctors will be hosting the annual Mashadi Health Fair on Sunday, November 16th at 12pm to 4pm at the 54 Steamboat social hall. Please join us for an event filled with complimentary services to promote health and wellness including:
All men and women are welcome. Volunteers are welcome to contact us before the event as well. Please bring your mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and friends and help us keep our community healthy! For more information please contact: Dr. Jeremy Nikfarjam (, Dr. Justin Hakimian (, Dr. Neal Hakimi (, or Dr. Ariel Nassim (
Mashadi Soccer League is Back for Season 3!!
All players including past and present players must send an email to You must be a community member 17 years of age or older to enter the draft pool for this season. Entry deadline is October 30th NO EXCEPTIONS. More information on draft date and season schedule will be available in the near future. For more information, email: David Karimzadeh (
Rabbi Maroof – Ezra, Nehemiah and Sukkot
Mashadi Tennis Champions
Thank you to all participants of the Mashadi Open Tennis Tournament for a wonderful tournament throughout the summer. In the singles final Sam Hajibai defeated Igal Nassim 6-2 6-1. In the doubles final David Karimzadeh and Sammy Hakimian defeated Alex Rahmani and Simon Kashfi 5-7 6-3 6-4. We look forward to next year’s tournament.
Shaare Tova Minyanim Schedule
The UMJCA is proud to honor Mr. Manucher Kashanian
The Honoring Committee of the UMJCA is happy to honor one of the leaders of our community , Mr. Manoucher Kashanian . Mr. Kashanian has spent the greater part of 40 years serving our community in Milan , and helping Mashadi community members throughout the world . Please join us at Shaare Shalom on Shabbat morning , August 23rd, 2014, for this special ceremony . We encourage all to attend Kanissa on this day to celebrate and Honor this great individual.
Security Announcement
August 1, 2014
The Central Board of the UMJCA would like to inform all community members that even though there are no known threats in Nassau County or Great Neck against the Jewish Community, we have added for the past few weeks and for the foreseeable future more security guards for Shabbats and are also working with local police authorities to safeguard our Community and Synagogues.
However, we would like to ask all community members to be more vigilant and report anything suspicious in our community or near our centers to our security personnel and to local authorities including the Nassau County Police Department.
If you see something, say something!
The Central Board of UMJCA
Indoor Playground on Tisha B’Av
New Community Directory Being Published
The new Directory of the Mashadi Jewish Community is in the process of being reprinted and needs the community’s cooperation. A package was mailed to you confirming your existing information and also included an announcement from the Religious Council. If you wish to make any changes, please return the form with your corrections as soon as possible. For more information or if you have not received this package in the mail, please email us at or call (516) 482-0003.
All forms we have received have been updated and the phone book will be going to print soon. If you still have any changes to make, please send them in as soon as possible.
SHALOM 43-July 19th 2014
SHALOM 42-July 12th 2014
Parashat Pinchas!
Dear Friends;
I hope that you’ll enjoy the following Parsha summary followed by a Dvar Torah;
” Parsha in a Nutshell ”
Aaron’s grandson, Pinchas, is rewarded for his act of zealotry in killing the Shimonite prince Zimri and the Midianite princess: G-d grants him a covenant of peace and the priesthood.
A census of the people counts 601,730 men between the ages of 20 and 60. Moshe is instructed on how the Land is to be divided by lottery among the tribes and families of Israel. The five daughters of Zelafchad petition Moshe that they be granted the portion of the land belonging to their father, who died without sons; G-d accepts their claim and incorporates it into the Torah’s laws of inheritance.
Moshe empowers Joshua to succeed him and lead the people into the Land of Israel. The Parshah concludes with a detailed list of the daily offerings, and the additional offerings brought on Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh, and the festivals of Passover, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret.
” Dvar Torah ”
After almost forty years of wondering in the desert, the Jews finally reached the borders of Israel and were allowed to enter it. At this point, Hashem tells Moshe how to distribute the land among the Children of Israel and a portion is given to each tribe. And each tribe distributes its land among the heads of each family, which were obviously the men of the house at that time. However, Zelafchad, a man from the tribe of Menasheh, died in the wilderness and left no sons behind. He was not part of Korach’s rebellion and his five daughters wanted to make sure that they receive his share in his name. So they came up to Moshe, Eleazar the priest and the entire assembly asking the following: “Let not our father’s name be lost to his clan just because he had no son! Give us a holding among our father’s brothers!” Moshe, not sure of the law regarding father’s inheritance towards daughters, brings the issue before G-d, and G-d responds saying “The plea of Zelafchad’s daughters is just: you should surely give them a hereditary holding among their father’s kinsmen; transfer their father’s share to them”.
However, in tracing the background of the daughters of Tzelafchad, the Torah seems to provide redundant information. The pasuk says:
“The daughters of Tzelafchat, son of Hefer, son of Gilad, son of Machir, son of Menasheh, son of Joseph came near, …….. And they stood before Moshe…” The Chachamim ask why did the tracing back their ancestors stopped at Yosef and didn’t go back to Avraham and Yakov? Rashi explains that the Torah is trying to show to us that the love for Eretz Israel is genetic. Yosef loved the Land of Israel and insisted that his bones be returned there. This love for Eretz Israel ran in his family all the way down to Tzelafchad’s daughters, who insisted that they be given their fair portion in the Land.
Although, most Chachamim accept Rashi’s explanation, but there are still some who are not convinced. So, they argue saying: “how do we know their love for Eretz Israel was genuine, and they were not interested in the land as a financial benefit?”
Well, in order to answer this question, Rabbi Frand says that we first need to find Tzelafchad’s identity. There are difference of opinions regarding Tzelafchad’s identity. Some say that he was the wood-gatherer who desecrated Shabath and was killed, while others believe that he was among the group who tried to force their way into Canaan after the decree of the spies and was killed by the Canaanites. Either way, Tzelafchad’s death occurred some 38 years before the events of this week’s Parsha. If Tzelafchad’s daughters were interested in their father’s estate from a strictly financial point of view, why would they have waited 38 years to ask for it? Also, inheritance is not limited to land. What about his cattle? What about his other properties? Apparently, they were not interested in that. It was only now, when they were on the doorstep of Eretz Israel that they came pressing their claim for inheritance of their father’s portion. This is the demonstration of their love for the Land. They were silent regarding the cash and movable properties. However, their inheritance in the Land of Israel mattered greatly to them. They inherited this affection to the Land from their great grandfather, Yosef!
Yes my friends, you don’t need to live in Israel to love Israel! Loving Israel is in our blood! Throughout the Jewish history, people showed their love for Eretz Israel even before seeing the land. Avraham left the comfort of his hometown, where he was well known and successful, to move to Israel, a land he has never seen before. Moshe Rabeinu pleaded with Hashem several times to just let him walk across the land which was unfortunately denied. Ruth, a gentile woman, followed her mother in law, Naomi, who had nothing to offer her, except the land of Israel!
So, what is it about this land that everyone is so crazy about? Is it because the land is holy and you feel closer to Hashem? Is it because even the first time you step foot on this land, it feels like its your hometown? Is it because everyone around you is Jewish and you feel safe and secure living among your brothers? Is it because, Hashem protects and blesses the Land, as long as we keep his commandments? Is it because the land prospers miraculously, when it’s in the hand of us Jews? Or, could it be all of the above???
We all love Israel. We all try to go to Israel as much as we can and we all want to help Israel in anyway possible. When Israel is at war, we are ALL at war. In these troubling times, when our brothers in Israel are under continuous attacks by the enemy, our hearts and soul feel for them. Although we are all scared, but we are very confident that Israel will prevail. Not only because Israel has one of the strongest armies in the world, nor because it has dedicated soldiers who would give up their lives for this land, but because G-d protects Israel and His Chosen People! Unfortunately, the enemies of Israel, they just don’t get it…… They are not fighting against Israel…… They are fighting against G-d!
So, let us continue to love and support Israel in anyway we can, and let us pray to Hashem for the safety of our brothers in Israel. When we pray to G-d, we usually look up heavenly towards the sky. In Israel these days, if you look up in the sky, you may see an Iron Dome intercepting a missile. But if you look further up, you’ll see the hand of G-d!
Shabbat Shalom & Regards;
The Iranian Talmud: Our Gemara in its Original Persian Context
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Michelle Hakimian (Hackman) Article Featured on Wall Street Journal
Michelle Hakimian is the daughter of Shohreh and Joobin Hakimian. Her article has been featured on the front page of Wall Street Journal as editor’s pick.
Mincha and Arvit Services
Mincha and Arvit Services at Shaare Rachamim at 7:10 pm and Bet Midrash Schedule
A New Minyan has been setup at Shaare Rahamim during weekdays. Mincha Services will begin at 7:10 pmfollowed by Arvit. The Sephardic Bet Midrash classes will continue after a light dinner. For more info or future sponsorship opportunities please contact Josh LeVian or Nathan Zaboulani
Click Here For the Sephardic Bet Midrash Schedule
New Weekday Late Shacharit at Shaare Shalom at 9:00 am
A NEW Late Weekday Shacharit Minyan has been organized at Shaare Shalom. The morning Minyan will begin with Baruch Sh’Amar at 9:00 am. We would like to encourage everyone to join this Minyan during the Summer Period. For more information contact Sammy Namdar.
The Sephardic Bet Midrash
Grand Opening
The Mashadi Learning Center Presents:
The Sephardic Bet Midrash
Monday Night, June 23, 2014 at Shaare Rahamim: 7:00 p.m. Mincha and Arvit – 7:45 p.m. Colbeh Dinner – 8:15 p.m. Opening Remarks – All Men and Women are invited to attend. Attending Community Rabbis and Teachers: Rabbi Eliyahu Ben Haim – Rabbi Nassim Bassalian – Rabbi Yosef Bitton – Rabbi Mordechai Kohanim – Mr. Oren Bezalely – Mr. Bezalel Ben Haim – Rabbi Adam Sabzevari – Rabbi Moshe Aziz.
Rabbi Joshua Maroof, of Mashadi descent will kick start The Sephardic Bet Midrash with nightly shiurim for both Men and Women. Event is sponsored for refuah shelema of Yaffa bat Miriam, Yehuda ben Yaffa and Rafael ben Michal by Elizabeth & Moossa LeVian and sons. For more info or future sponsorship opportunities please contact Josh LeVian or Nathan Zaboulani Click Here for more Info and Official Flyer
This year’s Community Graduation Ceremony will take place on Sunday, June 22nd a 10:30 am at the Mashadi Jewish Center, 54 Steamboat Rd. In this year’s Graduation Ceremony we are proud to have many post graduates and college graduates and large number of high school graduates. The keynote speaker this year will be Dr. Ari Shafizadeh Hakimi, who is the faculty member at Sloan Kettering Memorial hospital and specializes in urologic oncology. We invite all graduates, family and friends to attend this special once a year event. Refreshments will be served. For more information please contact Nabila Levian ( Click Here For the Graduates List and Program
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