Please email or call Avital in the YMJC office for further information: or 516-708-9999.
Click Here to View the YMJC Spring Guide 2014
Please email or call Avital in the YMJC office for further information: or 516-708-9999.
Click Here to View the YMJC Spring Guide 2014
On A Big Screen TV – All adults are welcome to come and enjoy the most exciting sports event of the year on a 10 foot screen with a crowd that loves the game as much as you do. Adults only. Meat Dinner will be served. Advance reservation required, For more info please contact Leon Ebrani @ 516-356-0665
Join us on January 19th & January 26th • Free of charge • Pizza available $2 per slice. All ages (with parental supervision). For further information please email or call Avital at or 516-708-9999.
I hope that you’ll enjoy the following Parasha summary followed by a Dvar Torah;
” Parsha in a Nutshell ”
Soon after allowing the Children of Israel to depart from Egypt, Pharaoh chases after them to force their return, and the Israelites find themselves trapped between Pharaoh’s armies and the sea. G-d tells Moshe to raise his staff over the water; the sea splits to allow the Israelites to pass through, and then closes over the pursuing Egyptians. Moshe and the Benei Israel sing a song of praise and gratitude to G-d.
In the desert, the people suffer thirst and hunger and repeatedly complain to Moshe and Aaron. G-d miraculously sweetens the bitter waters of Marah, and later has Moshe bring forth water from a rock by striking it with his staff; He causes manna to rain down from the heavens before dawn each morning, and quails to appear in the Israelite camp each evening.
The Children of Israel are instructed to gather a double portion of manna on Friday, as none will descend on Shabath. Aaron preserves a small quantity of manna in a jar, as a testimony for future generations.
The people of Israel are attacked by the Amaleks, who are defeated by Moshe’s prayers and an army raised by Joshua.
” Dvar Torah ”
In this week’s Parsha, we are introduced to “Manna”, the heavenly bread that Hashem provided for the Benei Israel over the period of forty years, on a daily basis (except shabbats) , when they were wondering in the desert after leaving the land of Egypt. The Torah describes it as similar to coriander seed, and it tasted like a cake fried in Honey. However the Midrash says that those who were true believers and had faith in G-d, it could have tasted like anything they wanted. Some Chachamim consider the miracle of Manna to be a greater miracle than splitting of the Red Sea, since unlike the splitting of the Red Sea which was a one-shot miracle, the miracle of Manna continued for more than forty years.
The way that the Torah introduces the Manna to us is as follows. After crossing the Red Sea and seeing the Egyptian corpses on the shore, the Benei Yisrael finally started to feel a sense of freedom. But their freedom celebration quickly vanished when they found themselves with no food or water in the desert. So they complained to Moshe saying: ” When we were in Egypt we had it good, we had what to eat, now you’ve brought us into the desert to let us starve to death! ” Moshe brings up their complaint to the Almighty and He responds with saying: ” Behold, I shall rain down for you food from heaven; let the people go out and pick each day’s portion on its day, ….. so that I can “TEST” them, whether they will follow My teaching or not”!
Tired of the long Friday nights during the winter? Join us for the first Oneg Shabbat, Friday night, January 10th at 130 Steamboat Road for a night of snacks, singing, and a special guest speaker. Festivities to begin at 8:30 pm.
For more information please conract Cody Hakimian
Please join us this Shabbat for a very important and relevant topic. Gidon Akler, MD Genetics doctor from Mount Sinai Hospital to speak this Shabbat at 130 about genetic diseases in our community and the steps we can take as a community for prevention.
Registration for Programs @ 130 will take place this Sunday, January 12th from 2-5 PM at 130 Steamboat Road. For further information please email or call Avital in the YMJC office at: or 516-708-9999.
Click Here For the Spring Programs Registration Form
Click Here to View the YMJC Spring Guide 2014
Please join us this Motza’ei Shabbat, January 11th for our second annual Kol Yaakov/ Bnot Yaakov Melave Malka with guest speaker Rabbi Eli Mansour – Date: Saturday Night Jan 11th – Time: 8:00 pm – Place: Temple Emanuel, 150 Hicks Ln. $15 per person – $26 per couple. Dairy dinner will be served. For more info call: (516) 482-1261. Submitted by Moshe Enayatian.
You are invited to a Special Shiur by Mrs. Amit Yaghoubi. “Tu B’Shevat – Rewakening Our Roots”. Monday, January 13 at 8:45 pm at Congregation Shaare Tova, Kew gardens, Queens, Ny. Submitted by Mojgan Liviem
Are you attending the Hong Kong Jewelery Show in March? Kehilat Zion (Rabbi Moaded Congregation in Kowloon) has set up a special Shabbat package for you at the Shangri-la Hotel.
Looking for a new resolution to jump-start 2014?? How about re-learning your alef-bet? Or becoming Kanissa’s next Chazan! Always wondered what to pray in Kanissa on Shabbat? Or just plain improving rusty Hebrew reading skills? Lucky for you – IVREAD IS BACK! Classes will begin Monday, February 10 – for 8 weeks. For additional information, feel free to contact Stephanie Aziz at 516-423-9999 or Stephanie Dilamani at 516-423-6641.
Registration takes one minute! Please fill out the form here:
EVENT POSTPONED: Community members will be informed soon on the new date
The Supervisory Council together with the UMJCA Honoring Committee are happy to announce that the members of the outgoing Central Board will be honored at a special ceremony in the main sanctuary of 54. We would like to express our appreciation for the people who have put in much of their time in the last three year for the service of the community. Members of the Central Board have completed many projects during this term, and have managed to nearly completely clear the debt of the community. We applaud them and invite all community members to attend the service, after Musaf.
Join Rabbanit Coty Bitton for a special parenting class for new mothers. Discuss the transition into becoming a mother and developing your parenting philosophy. This Tuesday, Morning, January 14, 2014, at 9:30 a.m at YMJC (130 Steamboat Rd). For more information contact Dana Bassali at
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