Parashat Vayakhel!

Dear Friends;

I hope that you will enjoy the following Parsha summary followed by a Dvar Torah;

” Parsha in a Nutshell “

Moshe advices Benei Israel to keep Shabbat once again, and requests donations for the materials for making the Mishkan–portable Sanctuary for G-d. He collects gold, silver, precious stones, skins and yarn, as well as incense and olive oil for the Menorah and for anointing. The princes of each tribe bring the precious stones for the Kohen Gadol’s breastplate and ephod- an apronlike vestment worn just underneath the breastplate.


G-d appoints Bezalel and Oholiav as the master craftsmen. Benei Israel contribute so much that Moshe begins to refuse donations. Special curtains with two different covers were designed for the Mishkan’s roof and door. Gold-covered boards in silver formed the Mishkan’s walls. Bezalel made the Holy Ark from wood covered with gold. On the Ark’s cover were two figures facing each other (Cherubim). The Menorah and the Table were also of gold. Two altars were made: a small incense altar of wood overlaid with gold, and a larger altar for sacrifices made of wood covered with copper.

“ Dvar Torah “

The main topic of discussion in this week’s Parsha, once again, is about building the “Mishkan” – the portable dwelling place for the divine presence. And the way this project was financed, was by donations only. The Torah tells us that EVERYONE contributed to the cause, men and women alike. They brought their gold and silver. They brought personal items and family items. Copper mirrors were donated as well as bracelets, bangles and earrings. Those who had wool and linen came and those who had dyes donated. No donations were rejected. Moshe wanted everyone to participate in this great cause.

And the Torah triumphantly declares the generosity of the donors by announcing that the people brought more than enough contributions than they were supposed to. But the wording that the Torah uses is a little ambiguous. The expression that the Torah uses is: “There was enough for the completion of the task, and there was extra,”!! “Enough” and “extra” are two contradictory words?! If it was enough, how could there be extra?? Instead, the Torah should have said that ” the people brought MORE than enough….”!! Why does the Torah like to twist the words in order to create confusion? Or, could it be that there is a deeper meaning to the phrase and the Torah wants us to investigate?


Well, one of the explanations that really touched me is as follows: The people knew exactly how much to bring which would have been sufficient for the completion of the task, but they wanted to do more! Their love for building a house for G-d was so great that to just bring the sufficient amount wasn’t enough for them; they wanted to do extra!! And each and everyone did extra!!


But what is fascinating is that one group of people is mentioned separately as contributors. The Torah says: “And all those who Hashem inspired with wisdom to do the work (the builders), they took in front of Moshe the donations that the Jews brought for the work of the Mishkan, and they brought an additional offering for themselves each morning”.

Although the action of the builders is quite praiseworthy for contributing something extra for themselves, but why does the Torah single them out in regards to the contributions for the Mishkan? Didn’t everybody bring contributions? Why just to mention and praise the builders and not any other groups?


Once again, Rabbi Kamenetsky delivers a beautiful explanation: The men and women who have put in so much time and effort in the construction of the Mishkan could have easily said that they had done their share. But no, that was not enough for them! They wanted to do something extra! The Torah tells us that they, too, gave contributions each morning! They wanted to give more than just their time and their skill; they wanted to give their possessions too!! The efforts of these individuals were crowned by their generous contributions. And that is the extraordinary action which is praiseworthy in the eyes of Hashem!!


You always get a better understanding of a concept, when you can see it with your own eyes! When we see those members of our own community who step forward to join the boards and spend so much of their time and energy to build for us beautiful Kanissas, sanctuaries, schools, social halls for our youth and the elderly, and many more projects for the community, without getting paid a single penny, you would have thought that they’ve done their share!! But no, it’s not enough for them; they also want to contribute more!!! We see that the majority of them are among the list of high-donors to our Kanissas!! For them, giving their relentless time and energy is not enough, they want to contribute their money too!! These are the people that Hashem has singled out in this week’s parsha and has praised them; so why can’t we??


Yes my friends, these are the members of the Central Board; the members of the Kanissa Boards; the members of the Sisterhood Committee, the Gabayims; the members of all other committees; and all the men and women who help in the communal affairs! May Hashem bless them all and their families with good health, happiness and prosperity. May Hashem grant them the wisdom that they need, so that they will make the right decisions for us, and give them the strength to continue with their admiring and excellent jobs. We thank them for their relentless efforts and generous contributions too! What is praiseworthy in the eyes of Hashem, is certainly delightful in our eyes too!! We raise our hats to them all!!


As you all know, this Sunday February 23rd, is the election day for the Central Board and Kanissa Boards. Let us show our support by voting for them on Sunday. We wish all the candidates the best of luck and we would like to thank them in advance for caring for other members of the community by willing to devote your precious time. To us, you are all winners already!

Shabbat Shalom & Regards;

