In recent weeks, the Central Board has received several complaints regarding the excessive drinking that takes place in both synagogues on Shabbat.The complaints can be summarized as follows:
1)The drinking that was once confined to a few people in a small secluded area has now expanded so that it has become extremely visible involving a large number of people in open view.
2)Drinking starts early on in the morning
3)Some members leave during the Torah reading to start drinking and if they return, some of them are in no fit state to pray
4)Children are observing this behavior and will learn to imitate it.
5)We are increasing the alcohol dependence problems that some of our members unfortunately have.
The Central Board is currently contemplating banning alcohol from all of our synagogues. While this decision is being carefully reviewed, we would like to hear your opinion on any other approaches that could help our community bring this serious issue under control.
Confidential comments and suggestions Email :
No Anonymous responses will be considered !
UMJCA Central Board