Category Archives: Community News Headlines

UMJCA Announcements

Iran, Assimilation, and the Threat to Israel and Jewish Survival: Will Jews Exist?

Join us in a discussion on Iran, Assimilation, and the threat to Israel and Jewish survival moderated by Rabbi Shmuley Boeach, and guests Sheldon Adelson, Bret Stephens and Richard M. Joel.  WHEN: October 22, 2013 at 8pm – 10pm – WHERE Yeshiva University Wilf Campus-Lamport Auditorium, 2540 Amsterdam Ave. For more info please contact Uri Ben Yehudah of IZC. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE OFFICIAL FLYER

Saturday Night Family Learning @ 54

YMJC Kannisa Points presents: Saturday Night Family Learning @ 54 Calling Fathers, Sons & Daughters of all ages. Come join us every Motzaei Shabbat @ Shaare Shalom from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Boys will learn with their fathers and girls will learn with each other. Snacks and cool Raffle prizes every week. For more info please contact Allen Hakimian, Fariborz Livian or William Dilamani.



Simchat Torah Winning Raffle Tickets

The winning Simcha Torah Raffle tickets as picked by Rabbi Mordechai Kohanim:




4-S81465 (reserve)

5-S81836 (reserve)

6-S81097 (reserve)

Numbers 4-6 are reserve numbers in case winning tickets don’t call in by Nov 1, 2013. Please contact: Mika Hakimi (516) 225-1761 or Kourosh Namdar (516) 263-9480 if you have any of the 6 numbers.



Alzheimer’s Awareness Night at 130 Steamboat Road

 Tue, Oct. 15th at 8:00 pm. If you or someone you know is experiencing memory loss or behavioral changes, it’s time to learn the facts. Early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease gives you a chance to begin therapy, enroll in clinical studies, and plan for the future. Free of charge. For further information, please call Avital in the YMJC office: 516-708-9999.


Alzheimers Concept Horizontal

The Issue of Alcohol in our Synagogues

In recent weeks, the Central Board has received several complaints regarding the excessive drinking that takes place in both synagogues on Shabbat.The complaints can be summarized as follows:

1)The drinking that was once confined to a few people in a small secluded area has now expanded so that it has become extremely visible involving a large number of people in open view.

2)Drinking starts early on in the morning

3)Some members leave during the Torah reading to start drinking and if they return, some of them are in no fit state to pray

4)Children are observing this behavior and will learn to imitate it.

5)We are increasing the alcohol dependence problems that some of our members unfortunately have.

The  Central  Board is  currently  contemplating  banning  alcohol  from  all of  our synagogues. While this decision is being carefully reviewed, we would like to hear your opinion on any other approaches that could  help our  community  bring  this serious issue under control.

Confidential comments and suggestions Email :

No Anonymous responses will be considered !

UMJCA Central Board



Shaare Rachamim-Mikveh Moshe


It is with great pleasure that the Central Board  can announce the completion of  the purchase of 695 Middle Neck Road  consisting of Shaare Rachamim and Mikveh Moshe ,  on  Monday ,  September 30th.

The Central Board wishes to thank the community for its generous financial contribution which facilitated  ownership of this property  for  UMJCA , without  borrowing  any  funds  from  any  individuals or Institutions .  We further wish to thank all those whose help  with the logistics and closing issues    enabled  us to  complete this transaction in a relatively timely and smooth fashion .

Mikveh  Moshe is operating on its  regular hours .  However  since Shaare Rachamim requires some renovation and repairs , we will not be able to reopen  until this work is completed .  The   Central Board will do everything in its  power to expedite this but ,in the meantime, we would like to remind you  that if you have not paid your pledges, then please do so as soon as possible as these funds are needed for the renovation and the initial running costs.

Mazal tov to the whole community!

The Central Board of the UMJCA

YMJC Programs @130 Offers Incredible Classes For Adults

You Still Have Time To Register:

– Myths & Vaccines with Dr. Daniel Benilevi

1 session/$10 –  Monday, October 8th at 8:30pm – Intro to Ebay Selling-Level 14 sessions/$75   8:30pm-10:00pm – Mondays: Oct. 7th, Oct. 14th, Oct. 21st, Oct. 28th

Culinary Delights 101 with Ben Koren

4 sessions/$75   8:30pm-10:30pm – Mondays: Oct. 7th, Oct. 14th, Oct. 21st, Oct. 28th

Intro to Computers-Level 1 with Gina Aharonoff

5 sessions/$120   8:30pm-10:00pm – Tues: Oct. 8th, Oct. 15th, Oct. 22nd, Oct. 29th & Nov. 5th

To register, please call or email Avital in  the YMJC  office at 516-708 9999 or

Click Here For More Info and to View The Flyer

Community Education Funding Breakdown

Hebrew School Scholarships – 61.4%
Talmud Torah – 20.90%
Shalom Pre-School (Security) – 9.3%
Youth Programs (Shabbat and Holidays) – 4.2%
Beth Midrash – 3.1%
Higher Education Committee – 1.2%

From a $407,110 allocation

Presented to the People of Israel

Presented to the People of Israel


The United Mashadi Jewish Community of America
Great Neck, NY


We did it !

Thanks to the combined efforts of the Israel & Zionism Committee, the Mashadi Youth Committee, the Mashadi Sisterhood, 2013 Bar Mitzvah Boys as well as many other community volunteers, we have raised $100,000 to fund an ambulance in Israel.

We did it again! The community showed that through unity we can complete any goal we set out. A big portion of the funds were raised from the community wide basketball tournament. Men and women of all ages came together to compete in a very exciting series of basketball games that ended with a “celebrity” basketball finals game mixing up the winning team of the tournament and current & previous Central Board members and community servants.

WFL 4   WFL 2   WFL 1a   WFL 3a

The ambulance will serve many years saving lives and hopefully helping the deliveries of many babies around Israel. Afterwards it will spend the rest of its useful life providing medical care in a kibbutz.

The actual ambulance we have purchased is built right here in the USA. It will leave the US on a ship to Haifa later on this year. On its way to the ocean liner it will be delivered to us to display in our own Shaare Shalom Parking lot on Sunday October 6th where it will be dedicated to Magen David Adom in Israel.

Save the date

and bring all your kids.

Magen David Adom Ambulance dedication day: Sunday October 6th 2013.

Magen David Adom (MDA) provides a rapid and skilled emergency medical response, including disaster, ambulance, and blood services, to more than half a million Israelis each year. When you make a charitable gift to support MDA, you’re helping save lives and perform miraculous rescues every day.

MDA’s work is mandated by the Israeli government, but it’s not government-funded. MDA relies on donors to ensure dispatch centers are equipped with the latest communications technology, ambulances are stocked with cutting-edge lifesaving equipment, and paramedics have the most up-to-date training.

A joint project of the Mashadi Youth Committee & The Israel & Zionism Committee of the UMJCA.

MYC logo              Israel & Zionism