Category Archives: Community News Headlines

UMJCA Announcements

UMJCA Mashadi Directory is here !

Directory New

It is with great pleasure to announce the publication of the new UMJCA Mashadi Directory. The directory will be available for purchase starting this Sunday, by Mashadi Community members who are listed in the book, as we have a limited quantity. There will be a desk set up for the sale at Shaare Shalom from 10 to after the Allahdadi event, as well as being available at both Shaare Shalom and Ohr Esther offices, when they are open. The cost per copy is $10, payable by cash in person or $12 if to be mailed, payable by credit card (call UMJCA offices). The proceeds from the sale will go through the UMJCA treasury to cover costs and future development of directory.

Great Neck Parks District Job Fair

There will be a Job Fair held at the Great Neck House (14 Arrandale Ave.) on Tuesday, March 3rd from 4:30pm-6:30pm. Plenty of job opportunities available for Spring and Summer of 2015, including positions involving Parkwood Pool, Outdoor and Indoor Tennis, Camps/Preschool, Marina/Sailing, Summer Performing Arts Parks, Security, Office/Clerical, Tons of Recreation, and College Internships. For more information, visit and looks for the employment tab on the left sidebar or call 516-487-7665. 


Shira Candies at Shaare Shalom

The Shaare Shalom Synagogue Board and the Religious Council would like to remind the community that no dairy candies are allowed in Shaare Shalom for Shiras. The reasons are as follows: 1) Meat is served in the downstairs children and youth minyans, 2) Some people take the candies home to eat after lunch, and 3)There are people who wait up to 3 hours after eating chocolate before eating meat. In any case, everyone should still make sure that the candies they are offering is parve and not dairy. Please note that some individual candies are not marked. We thank the community for their cooperation.




monkimageThe MYC Chesed Committee is very excited to announce their first event of the year:                                                                      THE OHEL PURIM CARNIVAL!

Come enjoy a fun day with youth and adults with special needs. There will be free food, dancing, games and much more! Please join us on March 8th, from 12-4:30 pm, at 54 Steamboat Road. Organizations attending include members from HASC, Friendship Circle and Ohel. Make sure to wear a costume! Note: Adult supervision advised for children under 12.  A special thanks to our anonymous sponsor for the dedication in the memory of Ephraim ben Shmuel.

For more information, contact Jamie Karmely (516)776-3262, Rafi Livian (516)423-6738, Shelby Hakimian(516)647‑4280‬, or any other member of the MYC Chesed Committee.



Camp MJC

We are proud to announce that after extensive research, feedback and effort, we finally have a summer camp for our community – Camp MJC!

We hope you enjoy the Youtube Trailer:

For a Printable view of the UMJCA Camp MJC Click Here: Camp-MJC-Letter

You can download the registration form at this link: Camp MJC 2015 Registration Form

For further information, please contact Avital Rahmanan Raynor at 516-708-9999, Celia Bassalely at 516-384-3374 or email us at



Life Before and After – Tuesday, February 10th

Your perception vs. reality – Who will you choose for the journey? Tuesday, February 10th at 7 pm. Ohr Esther Synagogue. Dinner will be served. Come and enjoy the dating and marriage stories of Mashadi couples. What their perception was before and what they know now, one year, five years, and even fifteen years after they have been married. Brought to you by the YMJC.


IVREAD is Celebrating its 11th Semester!

Looking to be more fluent in Kanissa? Or becoming Kanissa’s next Chazan! Or just plain improving rusty Hebrew reading skills? Then join IVREAD! Classes will begin Monday, February 2nd – at 8:00PM for 8 consecutive Monday nights. OPEN TO MEN AND WOMEN OF AGE 16 and Up! For more information please contact Stephanie Aziz: 516-423-9999, Stephanie Dilamani: 516-423-6641 or Joe Kamali: 516-659-3881. Registration takes one minute! Please fill out the Form by Clicking Here


Senior Club Chanukah Party 2014

Mashadi senior club presents CHANUKAH PARTY 2014 party with your parents and grandparents. For all the community members. Wednesday 12/17/14 from 10:00am – 3:00pm. Mashadi Jewish center of Great Neck, 54 Steamboat Road. Music, Dance, Raffle, food and fun! Free of charge. Special entertaining show promptly at 11:00am.


2014 – 2016 MYC Election Results

We are pleased to announce the 2014 – 2016 MYC election results in alphabetical order:

Aaron Aziz
Carolina Aziz
Debbie Aziz
Michelle Bassaly
Shirley Carmili
Gab Etessami
Melyna Hadjibay
Shelby Hakimian
Daniel Kamali
Jamie Karmely
Jacob Namdar
Josh Namdar
Melanie Namdar
Igal Nassim
Jonathan Zar


  1. Nathan Kashizadeh
  2. Gabriel Kalaty
  3. Lior Kashimallak
  4. Benjamin Azizi
  5. Daniel Hakimian
  6. Talia Bassali
  7. Sandy Moheban

There were a total of 462 ballots, of which 5 were invalid. 457 ballots were valid.

2014 – 2016 UMJCA Sisterhood Election Results

We are pleased to announce the 2014 – 2016 UMJCA Sisterhood election results in alphabetical order:

Sharona Arjang (535 votes)
Harriet Bessaleli (568 votes)
Farnaz Edalati (604 votes)
Dalia Hakimian (908 votes)
Mojdeh Hakimian (638 votes)
Monica Hakimian (695 votes)
Raya Karmily (725 votes)
Esther Livi (646 votes)
Sandy Mordekhai (676 votes)
Sahar Nasrolahi (525 votes)
Janet Navaei-Livian (819 votes)
Shirin Rahmani (969 votes)
Arezou Tolou-Hakimian (910 votes)
Dina Zabihi (602 votes)
Mahtab Zar (915 votes)

By a slim margin, the alternates are:

  1. Ziva Davoodzadeh
  2. Dina Hakimian
  3. Sanam Ijadi
  4. Stacey Hackman
  5. Shiva Hakimian

There were a total of 1,209 ballots, of which 22 were invalid. 1,187 ballots were valid.

Sisterhood Referendum Results 2014

With 1,210 votes cast for the referendum, including 41 absentee ballots, 1,079 voters comprising of 89.2% of the total vote approved an amendment to the UMJCA by laws modifying the term of the Sisterhood to two years. There were 115 no votes and 16 abstentions. We will now be counting all votes cast for the Sisterhood election and the MYC election. Stay tuned!

Supervisory Council


2014 Sisterhood & MYC Elections

Please come out and show your support by voting for the new boards of Sisterhood and MYC this Sunday, November 16th, 2014, 9am to 6pm, at Shaare Shalom Synagogue. We salute all of the very capable candidates who have signed up to take part in these upcoming elections. All male and female community members 18 years and older are eligible to vote for the Sisterhood election.  All male and female community members ages 16 to 36 are eligible to vote for the MYC election.

Click Here For a List of Sisterhood Candidates

Click Here for a list of MYC Candidates

MYC Aipac Policy Conference – Registration, this Sun, Nov 16

Join us this Sunday, November 16 from 11:30-6:00 to register for MYC Aipac Policy Conference 2015 in Washington DC on March 1-3. Sunday is the last day to register at the discounted rate. Tickets are fully refundable until January 10th. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Daniel Kamali, Jonny Rahimi, Carolina Aziz
Click Here for more info and Registration Form


Annual Israel College and Yeshiva Fair

Join us this Sunday, November 16th from 4:30pm to 7:00pm at Ohr Esther (YMJC) for our annual Israel College and Yeshiva Fair. Come and discover the many opportunities in Israel for post-high-school students. Programs ranging from as short as a summer break to as long as a semester or a full year.  There will be official representatives from various Schools, Colleges, Yeshivas, Seminaries, Volunteer Programs, Army Services and more. LIGHT DINNER WILL BE SERVED!  Click Here for contact information and more details about the Program