Parashat Pekudei!

Dear Friends;

I hope that you will enjoy the following Parsha summary followed by a Dvar Torah;

” Parsha in a Nutshell “

The Book of Shemot concludes with this Parsha. After finishing all the different parts, vessels and garments used in the Mishkan, Moshe gives a complete accounting and enumeration of all the contributions and of the various clothing and vessels which had been made.


Benei Israel bring everything to Moshe. He inspects the handiwork and notes that everything was made according to G-d’s specifications. Moshe blesses the people. G-d speaks to Moshe and tells him that the Mishkan should be set up on the first day of the month of Nissan. He also tells Moshe the order of assembly for the Mishkan and its vessels. Moshe does everything in the prescribed manner. When the Mishkan is finally complete with every vessel in its place, a cloud descends upon it, indicating that G-d’s glory was resting there. Whenever the cloud moved away from the Mishkan, Benei Israel would follow it. At night the cloud was replaced by a pillar of fire.

” Dvar Torah “

The Mishkan, or the portable Sanctuary, is completed in this week’s Parsha. The nation looked at the magnificent work with great joy, and Moshe was proud. The Torah announces triumphantly that everything was completed. The construction, the vessels, the utensils, the vestments and the garments were all made to perfection, and everything was made according to G-d’s specifications. But the expression that describes the accomplishment is repeated over and over again. In fact, it is repeated more than twenty times in this week’s Parsha. After the completion of each component, the Torah uses an expression that declares that they were made “exactly as Hashem commanded Moshe.” At the end of every single detail of the Mishkan, the Torah declares the success of the mission by stating: “…they were made exactly as G-d had commanded Moshe “!


Once again, why does the Torah which is so careful with the use of words, keeps repeating itself? Couldn’t it just say, ” and EVERYTHING was done exactly as G-d had commanded Moshe ” once and for all? If something is repeated many times in the Torah, the commentators are quite certain that the Torah is trying to relay an important message. So, what is the message?


Rashi, the famous Torah commentator, explains that the purpose of the Mishkan was to atone for the making of the golden calf. But what’s the connection between the Mishkan and the Golden Calf? Usually, atonement is the reverse act of the wrong doing. So how can building the Mishkan be the opposite of building the Calf?


Rabbi Kamenetzky gives the following explanation to Rashi’s insight: The Jewish People had seen that Moshe had acted as an agent between them and G-d. After Moshe failed to come down from the mountain they assumed that he was dead. In their confusion, the Jewish People decided on their own that they would need someone, or something, to replace Moshe; something to connect them to the Almighty and to build them a sanctuary so that Hashem can rest upon it! Basically, they wanted a new Moshe to build them the Mishkan!!


Up to now, their idea was not so far off the track! They just wanted a new leader to act as an agent between them and G-d. But their mistake was that they took the matters in their own hands! To get a new leader and to build a Mishkan, it has to be done only with the Divine’s will. But they decided to make their own leader and their own Mishkan!


In this week’s Parsha the Torah keeps repeating that the Mishkan was completed “exactly as G-d had commanded Moshe”, because you can only build a sanctuary for G-d the way he wants it and not the way you want! Otherwise, G-d forbid, you’ll end up with a Golden Calf!! When they built the Golden Calf they didnot follow Hashem’s commandment, but when they built the Mishkan, they did the opposite and did “exactly what G-d commanded Moshe”. And that’s why it was an atonement for their sin.


Yes my friends; if we want Hashem to be happy and to live among us, we have to follow his commandments exactly the way He has commanded us. If we try to change them, or take the matters in our own hands, we will fail and end up sinning just like the Benei Yisrael. But, unfortunately, a lot of Jews in our times don’t understand this concept. They think that our Torah is outdated. They want to modernize it! They say not eating pork is a thing of the past. Why can’t we sit next to our wives when praying to G-d in a sanctuary? And why do we need to rest on Shabath, when there is so many exciting things to do? But one thing they don’t understand is that once you start changing, it never ends. Once you start rationalizing that keeping kosher and Shabbat is a thing of a past, then the idea of intermarriage will not be so illogical to you either. Unfortunately, once we start to change, we will only drive ourselves away from Judaism and the G-d Almighty, and in no time we might find ourselves worshiping a Golden Calf!!


Remember that Hashem loves us and he wants to be with us! All we need to do is to open our hearts and let him into our lives!! He is ready to give us all the blessings that we desire! All we need to do in return is to keep his commandments “exactly the same way He commanded Moshe”, many many years ago!

Shabath Shalom, Rosh Chodesh Tov and Regards;




Sunday Morning Parasha Class with Rabbi Adam

R. Adam's Sunday Morning Parasha Class

R. Adam’s Sunday Morning Parasha Class

Our Sunday Morning Parasha Class is on for this week (Mar. 2). We will be studying Parashat Vayikra and Megillat Esther!

A special thanks to this week’s sponsor for breakfast, Jeremy Kamali, for the refuah shelema of all the sick in the community.

Breakfast will be served at 9:45 am, the class is 10 am – 11 am, at 54 Steamboat Road.

This class is also for the refuah shelema of Ruchama Sara Miryam bat Tamar, Avraham ben Chava, Mordekhai ben Rivka, Ruth bat Ahuva, Rafael ben Michal, & Chana bat Rachel. This class is also for the iluy neshama of Nissan ben Yonah.

2014 Synagogue Elections Report

2014 – 2016 Shaare Shalom Board Results

A total of 712 people voted for Shaare Shalom, of which 35 where via absentee ballots.  21 of the votes were disqualified.

The following are the results of the 2014 Shaare Shalom Board Elections in alphabetical order with the number of votes received by each candidate:

Aminoff Ephraim 448
Bakhshi Naim 425
Ben-Haim Besalel 414
Hakimian Bijan 384
Hakimian Khosrow 380
Hezghia David 543
Kordvani David 406

The following are the alternate members of the 2014 Shaare Shalom Board:

Kohan Amir 332
Hakimian Saeed 318
Ebrani Marlon 204

2014-2016 YMJC – Ohr Esther Election

For the 2014 election of Ohr Esther, there were 646 votes cast, of which 34 were via absentee ballots. 6 votes were disqualified.

The following are the results of the 2014 -2016 YMJC – Ohr Esther Board elections in alphabetical order, with the number of votes received:

Aziz Tony 449
Etessami Oliver 382
Hadjibay Marco 356
Kalaty Kami 515
Kashi Leon 355
Koren Daniel 392
Levian Andy 475
Nassimi Daniel 282
Zar David 286

The following are the alternate members of the 2014 – 2016 YMJC – Ohr Esther Board:

Kashimallak Joseph 279
Nabavian Benjamin 274
Hakimian Afshin 220

Transitional Meeting of the Boards 

The Supervisory Council of the UMJCA will be holding a joint meeting of the outgoing and incoming and alternate board members of the Central Board, Shaare Tova Board, Shaare Shalom Board, YMJC Ohr Esther Board and Shaare Rachamim temporary management committee in order to have an orderly transition.

The meeting will take place tomorrow night, Tuesday February 25th, 2014 at Shaare Shalom.

Election Day

The election proved to be another testament to the unity of our community.  Over 800 community members participated in the genetic testing conducted by Dr. Gideon Akler which aims to unlock our community’s genetic code.   Our bar and bat mitzvah kids raised $9,000 for their Israel chesed project on this day, and the friends of Israel Bonds sold $5,000 in olive oils and other Israeli products to benefit Israel charities.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the amazing candidates for the various boards and wish them well.   We also would like to thank our wonderful community members who showed their support for our democratic system of elections for our boards.  The Supervisory Council would also like to thank those members who spent many hours assisting with the process of tallying the counts.

2014 YMJC – Ohr Esther Election Results

2014-2016 YMJC – Ohr Esther Election

For the 2014 election of Ohr Esther, there were 646 votes cast, of which 34 were via absentee ballots. 6 votes were disqualified.

The following are the members of the 2014 -2016 YMJC – Ohr Esther Board in alphabetical order, with the number of votes received.

Aziz Tony 449
Etessami Oliver 382
Hadjibay Marco 356
Kalaty Kami 515
Kashi Leon 355
Koren Daniel 392
Levian Andy 475
Nassimi Daniel 282
Zar David 286

The following are the alternate members of the 2014 – 2016 YMJC – Ohr Esther Board:

Kashimallak Joseph 279
Nabavian Benjamin 274
Hakimian Afshin 220

2014 Shaare Shalom Election Results

2014 – 2016 Shaare Shalom Election Results

A total of 712 people voted for Shaare Shalom, of which 35 where via absentee ballots.  21 of the votes were disqualified.

The following are the results of the 2014 Shaare Shalom Board Elections in alphabetical order with the number of votes received by each candidate:

Aminoff Ephraim 448
Bakhshi Naim 425
Ben-Haim Besalel 414
Hakimian Bijan 384
Hakimian Khosrow 380
Hezghia David 543
Kordvani David 406

The following are the alternate members of the 2014 Shaare Shalom Board:

Kohan Amir 332
Hakimian Saeed 318
Ebrani Marlon 204

2014 Election Results

2014 Central Board Election Results

On February 23rd, 2014, the Supervisory Council held a delayed election for the Central Board and the Synagogue Boards.

A total of 1,377 votes were cast of which 90 were cast via absentee ballots.  37 votes were disqualified.

The following are the results of the Central Board election in alphabetical order with the number of votes received by each candidate:

Aminoff Jonathan 640
Ebrani Mehrdad 643
Hakim Allen 755
Hakimi (Safioff) Behnam 749
Hakimian Khosrow 807
Hakimian Mehran 876
Hakimian Shahin (David) 653
Hezghia David 1088
Kalaty Ramin 911
Kamali Linda 879
Karimzadeh Mark 882
Karimzadeh Mojdeh 721
Kavakeb Sheila 713
Nassimi Simon 561
Yaghoutiel Hooman 828
1st female alternate:
Hakimian Nancy 689
Namdar Sammy 524
Ghassabian Simon 517
Mordechai Yahonathan 459
Zar Payam 445

As per the UMJCA by laws, only 3 women may serve on the Central Board.  All four female candidates received enough votes to be within the 15 elected members.    However, due to the by laws restriction, the fourth woman becomes the first female alternate member of the Central Board.


2014 Shaare Tova Election Results

There were 17 votes cast for the Shaare Tova election of which 1 was disqualified.    Since there were exactly 15 candidates, all 15 members were elected, as listed in the following alphabetical order:

Mikel Banilevi

Behrouz Enayatian

Abdolrahim Etessami

Amir Hadjibay

Behrouz Hakimian

Simone Kamali

Gideon Levy

Farmarz Liviem

Shahrokh Liviem

Jacob Namdar

Daniel Nassimi

Mike Mehdi Nassimi

Mouris Nassimi

Ezzatollah Zabih

Jamshid Zar

Shaare Shalom and Ohr Esther

The Supervisory Council has sealed the votes for the Synagogue Boards of Shaare Shalom and Ohr Esther and will count them and report them tomorrow night.

Supervisory Council Announces Election Candidates

The Supervisory Council of UMJCA is pleased to announce the candidates for the elections of Central Board, Shaare Shalom, Ohr Esther and Shaare Tova synagogues.

The elections will be held on Sunday February 23, from 10am to 4pm.

On the same day, we will be hosting the first Mashadi Health Fair manned by young doctors and medical staff. This health fair will include Genetic Testing, Blood Pressure and general and Obamacare counseling, etc.

We encourage everybody to attend to vote and visit the first Mashadi Health Fair.

Click here to view the list of Candidates.


Parashat Vayakhel!

Dear Friends;

I hope that you will enjoy the following Parsha summary followed by a Dvar Torah;

” Parsha in a Nutshell “

Moshe advices Benei Israel to keep Shabbat once again, and requests donations for the materials for making the Mishkan–portable Sanctuary for G-d. He collects gold, silver, precious stones, skins and yarn, as well as incense and olive oil for the Menorah and for anointing. The princes of each tribe bring the precious stones for the Kohen Gadol’s breastplate and ephod- an apronlike vestment worn just underneath the breastplate.


G-d appoints Bezalel and Oholiav as the master craftsmen. Benei Israel contribute so much that Moshe begins to refuse donations. Special curtains with two different covers were designed for the Mishkan’s roof and door. Gold-covered boards in silver formed the Mishkan’s walls. Bezalel made the Holy Ark from wood covered with gold. On the Ark’s cover were two figures facing each other (Cherubim). The Menorah and the Table were also of gold. Two altars were made: a small incense altar of wood overlaid with gold, and a larger altar for sacrifices made of wood covered with copper.

“ Dvar Torah “

The main topic of discussion in this week’s Parsha, once again, is about building the “Mishkan” – the portable dwelling place for the divine presence. And the way this project was financed, was by donations only. The Torah tells us that EVERYONE contributed to the cause, men and women alike. They brought their gold and silver. They brought personal items and family items. Copper mirrors were donated as well as bracelets, bangles and earrings. Those who had wool and linen came and those who had dyes donated. No donations were rejected. Moshe wanted everyone to participate in this great cause.

And the Torah triumphantly declares the generosity of the donors by announcing that the people brought more than enough contributions than they were supposed to. But the wording that the Torah uses is a little ambiguous. The expression that the Torah uses is: “There was enough for the completion of the task, and there was extra,”!! “Enough” and “extra” are two contradictory words?! If it was enough, how could there be extra?? Instead, the Torah should have said that ” the people brought MORE than enough….”!! Why does the Torah like to twist the words in order to create confusion? Or, could it be that there is a deeper meaning to the phrase and the Torah wants us to investigate?


Well, one of the explanations that really touched me is as follows: The people knew exactly how much to bring which would have been sufficient for the completion of the task, but they wanted to do more! Their love for building a house for G-d was so great that to just bring the sufficient amount wasn’t enough for them; they wanted to do extra!! And each and everyone did extra!!


But what is fascinating is that one group of people is mentioned separately as contributors. The Torah says: “And all those who Hashem inspired with wisdom to do the work (the builders), they took in front of Moshe the donations that the Jews brought for the work of the Mishkan, and they brought an additional offering for themselves each morning”.

Although the action of the builders is quite praiseworthy for contributing something extra for themselves, but why does the Torah single them out in regards to the contributions for the Mishkan? Didn’t everybody bring contributions? Why just to mention and praise the builders and not any other groups?


Once again, Rabbi Kamenetsky delivers a beautiful explanation: The men and women who have put in so much time and effort in the construction of the Mishkan could have easily said that they had done their share. But no, that was not enough for them! They wanted to do something extra! The Torah tells us that they, too, gave contributions each morning! They wanted to give more than just their time and their skill; they wanted to give their possessions too!! The efforts of these individuals were crowned by their generous contributions. And that is the extraordinary action which is praiseworthy in the eyes of Hashem!!


You always get a better understanding of a concept, when you can see it with your own eyes! When we see those members of our own community who step forward to join the boards and spend so much of their time and energy to build for us beautiful Kanissas, sanctuaries, schools, social halls for our youth and the elderly, and many more projects for the community, without getting paid a single penny, you would have thought that they’ve done their share!! But no, it’s not enough for them; they also want to contribute more!!! We see that the majority of them are among the list of high-donors to our Kanissas!! For them, giving their relentless time and energy is not enough, they want to contribute their money too!! These are the people that Hashem has singled out in this week’s parsha and has praised them; so why can’t we??


Yes my friends, these are the members of the Central Board; the members of the Kanissa Boards; the members of the Sisterhood Committee, the Gabayims; the members of all other committees; and all the men and women who help in the communal affairs! May Hashem bless them all and their families with good health, happiness and prosperity. May Hashem grant them the wisdom that they need, so that they will make the right decisions for us, and give them the strength to continue with their admiring and excellent jobs. We thank them for their relentless efforts and generous contributions too! What is praiseworthy in the eyes of Hashem, is certainly delightful in our eyes too!! We raise our hats to them all!!


As you all know, this Sunday February 23rd, is the election day for the Central Board and Kanissa Boards. Let us show our support by voting for them on Sunday. We wish all the candidates the best of luck and we would like to thank them in advance for caring for other members of the community by willing to devote your precious time. To us, you are all winners already!

Shabbat Shalom & Regards;



MNL & ThNL are back!

All 8th and 9th graders are invited to MNL on Monday nights at 7:00pm. Co-Ed dinner is served at 7:00pm and separate learning begins at 8:00pm. All 10th, 11th and 12th grade boys are invited to ThNL on Thursday nights at7:45pm. Dinner is served at 7:45pm and learning begins at 8:15pm. Classes are free of charge and meet at Ohr Esther/130 Steamboat Road. For further information, please contact Miriam Hajibay at:

Click Here to view the official Flyer


Visit the 2014 B’Nai Mitzvah Chesed table – This Sun

Visit the 2014 B’Nai Mitzvah Chesed table this Sunday Feb 23 at Shaare Shalom. From 9 to 6! Purchase raffle tickets to win an iPad (sponsored by Rodney and Shadi Hakimian), a 42″ Plasma TV (sponsored by Mehran and Arezou HakimianAllen and Lobat HakimAllen and Mojdeh HakimianMorris and Sherri Bichoupan), dinner for 10 at Shiraz (donated by Shiraz) and a $250 Shop Delight gift card (donated by Shop Delight). Mishloach Manots and cupcakes will be available for sale! A beautiful selection of Tefillin and Tzit Tzit Bags (donated by Keyvan and Rozi Rahmanan) will also be for sale. All proceeds will benefit Zionist and Jewish charities. Submitted by Sherri Bichoupan,


Sunday Morning Parasha Class with Rabbi Adam

R. Adam's Sunday Morning Parasha Class

R. Adam’s Sunday Morning Parasha Class

Our Sunday Morning Parasha Class is on for this week (Feb. 23). We will be studying Parashat Pekudei, and begin our discussion on Megillat Esther!

A special thanks to this week’s sponsors for breakfast, Ryan & Adam Hakimi, for the iluy neshama of Esther bat David.

Breakfast will be served at 9:45 am, the class is 10 am – 11 am, at 54 Steamboat Road.

This class is also for the refuah shelema of Ruchama Sara Miryam bat Tamar, Avraham ben Chava, Mordekhai ben Rivka, Ruth bat Ahuva, Rafael ben Michal, & Chana bat Rachel. This class is also for the iluy neshama of Nissan ben Yonah & Efraim ben Shemuel.

Parashat Ki Tisa!

Dear Friends;

I hope that you will enjoy the following Parsha summary followed by a Dvar Torah;

” Parsha in a Nutshell “

The people of Israel are told to each contribute exactly half a shekel of silver to the Sanctuary. Instructions are also given regarding the making of the Sanctuary’s water-basin, anointing oil and incense. The people are once again commanded to keep the Shabbat.


When Mohe does not return when expected from Mount Sinai, the people make a Golden Calf and worship it. G-d proposes to destroy the sinful nation, but Moshe intercedes on their behalf. Moshe descends from the mountain carrying the Tablets of stones engraved with the Ten Commandments. Seeing the people dancing around their idol, he breaks the Tablets, destroys the Golden Calf and has the primary culprits put to death. He then returns to G-d to say: “If You do not forgive them, blot me out from the book that You have written.” G-d forgives, but says that the effect of their sin will be felt for many generations. .


Moshe prepares a new set of tablets and once more ascends the mountain, where G-d reinscribes the ten commandments on these Second Tablets. On the mountain Moshe is also granted a vision of G-d’s glory! So radiant is Moses’ face upon his return, that he must cover it with a veil, which he removes only to speak with G-d and to teach His laws to the people.

” Dvar Torah “

In this week’s parsha, we read the sad and disturbing story of the “Golden Calf”. Well, we all know the story by now……….. After the Benei Yisrael heard the voice of G-d declaring the ten commandments by Mount Sinai, Moshe ascends the mountain once again for 40 days, in order to learn the entire Torah and to bring down the two tablets of stones which would have the ten commandments inscribed on them. The people, somehow, miscalculated and they thought that the 40 days are over and Moshe is not back yet. So, they reasoned that he must have died by now. So, immediately, the people gathered around Aaron and said to him, “Make us a God that will go before us, for we do not know what has happened to this man, Moshe, who brought us out of Egypt”. Aaron tells them to remove the gold and jewelry from their wives and children and bring them to him. Without any hesitation, the entire people gathered their gold and brought them up to Aaron. He took it from their hands and throws them all together in a fire furnace and miraculously a Golden Calf pops out. Aaron then called out and said, “A festival for God tomorrow”. The people arose early the next day and started rejoicing around the Calf and brought sacrifices. Hashem tells Moshe to go down since the people have committed a grievous sin. Hashem was so angry at the people that He decided to destroy the entire nation and make a new one out of Moshe. But, Moshe intervenes and pleas to Hashem to forgive the nation. Moshe then comes down, brakes the tablets, burns the Golden Calf and kills the culprits. He then goes up the mountain again to ask Hashem for forgiveness. After another 40 days, Moshe’s plead is finally accepted by Hashem and He forgives the nation….


Well, one of the questions that bothers the Chachamim is as follows: Why is Hashem so angry at the entire nation that He was ready to destroy them all? According to Chachamim, they were only 3000 people out the 3,000,000 who participated in the act of idolatry and only a handful of people who brought sacrifices for the Calf. So, why did Hashem want to punish the entire nation for the sin of the minority? We are talking about the same compassionate G-d who was ready to forgive the sin of ALL the inhabitants of the cities of “Sedom and Gemara” for the sake of ten righteous people, if found. So why in this case, Hashem could not forgive the sin of a few for the sake of the majority?


Well, as usual, there are many different commentaries on the same topic. One of the explanations is as follows: The Benei Israel greatest sin was that they stood in silence and not protested while some people were engaged in worshiping the idol. When you witness a crime and you keep silence, you’ll become partners in the crime. Similarly, when you witness some people committing a great sin publicly and you don’t protest, it’s as if you agree with what they are doing and you are liable for punishment.


But the explanation that I liked the most is given by Rabbi Yakov Kamenetsky. He says that Benei Yisrael’s great sin was that they could not comprehend to the idea of having ONE “invisible” G-d! They wanted a tangible G-d! They wanted a G-d to talk to and get a response immediately; they wanted a G-d to complain to; they wanted a G-d to tell them what to do everyday and every night; they wanted a G-d to be a Judge to them whenever they have a dispute between each other; they wanted a G-d that with His stick, He could hit the water and split the sea and He could hit the rock and make water to come out!!

So, to them, unfortunately, Moshe was not just their leader; he was like a G-d to them!! That’s why when they saw that Moshe didn’t come back from the mountain after 40 days, they

panicked and immediately went to Aaron and told him: “Make us a G-d, that he can go before us”! They didn’t want a replacement for the G-d Almighty; they wanted a replacement for their God, “Moshe”!!

When Moshe was at the top of the mountain and the Benei Yisrael made the Golden Calf, Hashem tells him: “Go down – for YOUR people that YOU brought up from the land of Egypt has become corrupt…”! Hashem was being sarcastic!! Hashem was telling Moshe, that these people think that it was “YOU” who brought them out of Egypt, and not me! So YOU go and fix it now!!!! So, Hashem was not mad at the “whole congregation” for the sin of a few committing idolatry! He was mad at them, because after all these miracles that he had performed for them, majority of the Benei Israel still didn’t see him as their true and only G-d!! They believed in Moshe more than they believed in Him! And that was their ultimate sin that bothered Hashem so much!!


Yes my friends, in every generation, we have great Leaders and great Talmid Chachams. We sometimes get so mesmerized by their words and their actions that we tend to forget about the Almighty himself and we start worshiping them instead. Yes, some of them can give powerful blessings, and some of them can even perform miracles, but we have to remember that it’s Hashem who has given them all these powers. All the blessings and miracles comes from Hashem ONLY! These people are just the mediators! Although we should have great respect for our leaders and our Chachamim, but we should only worship G-d! These great people can help our prayers to get to the heaven a little faster, but it’s ultimately Hashem who will answer our prayers! Let us not lose focus of who is G-d and who is the servant of G-d!


My friends, we have a G-d who is invisible. Although we cannot see him, but he can see us; Although we cannot hear him, but he can hear us; Although we cannot touch Him, but he is in touch with us; And although we might not know how to love him, but He still loves us…..


Our G-d is a compassionate G-d, who is slow to anger, and abundant in kindness and truth! He will perform miracles for us, he will carry us on his shoulders, he will listen to our prayers and he will shower us with all kinds of blessings. And in return, all He asks from us is to “believe” in him! Do you think, is this too much to ask for???

Shabath Shalom and Regards;



Candidate’s Night for UMJCA Elections

The Supervisory Council of the UMJCA is hereby inviting all community members to attend a CANDIDATE’S NIGHT prior to the UMJCA elections.

Monday, February 17, 2014 at 8:00pm in Shaare Shalom

The candidates for the Central Board, Shaare Shalom Board, Ohr Esther Board and Shaare Tova Board will be present to discuss what they would like to achieve in the new term. As announced previously, the UMJCA elections will be held  on Sunday, February 23rd, 2014 from 10 am to 4 pm at Shaare Shalom, with a satellite voting station at Shaare Tova in the morning. On the same day there will also be a Mashadi Health Fair.

We wish all the candidates much success and are looking forward to greeting everyone on Monday night.

The Supervisory Council